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A Fiduciary You Can Trust.

Champion Financial planning logo. A metallic gold chess piece of a knight with Champion Financial Planning beneath it

Do the Right Thing.

At the Right Time.

For the Right Reasons.

Champion Financial Planning isn't just your financial advisor; we're your ally knight here to strategically guide your next move as you navigate the complexities of your financial future. If you've been having trouble finding a fiduciary who makes you feel like you're more than just a number, Champion is the solution for you.


Much like a game of chess, financial planning demands calculated foresight and a keen understanding of a dynamically changing landscape.

We'll help you "checkmate" the risks while achieving your goals. No matter your budget or stage in life, we'll help you master the game and make your financial dreams a reality.

A photo of fiduciary and founder Kyle Rash with his wife and children

Founder Kyle Rash, MSFP, ChFC®, RICP®, NSSA®, is a retired US Marine Corps Iraqi Freedom Veteran and a dedicated husband and father. Kyle firmly believes in doing what's right, with honor and respect. After his retirement from the US Marine Corps, Kyle committed to further educating himself on financial planning, not only for his own family but to pass along that knowledge to others. As a staunch advocate of low-cost, efficient planning, Kyle aims to ensure that you have the information to make informed financial decisions and that you are truly heard and always respected as a valued client and individual with unique needs.

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower our clients to achieve their financial goals through a comprehensive, personalized approach to financial planning. We believe that financial planning should be accessible to everyone, irrespective of their income or net worth. We strive to provide our clients with the tools and knowledge they need to make informed financial decisions by means of low cost, efficient planning.

Core Values


At Champion Financial Planning, we believe that strategy is key to success. We compare financial planning to a game of chess, where every move must be carefully considered to achieve victory. We are committed to working with you to create a customized plan that fits your unique needs.


We believe in transparency and open communication. Our team is committed to providing you with clear and concise information about your financial plan, so you can make informed decisions.


We believe that financial planning should be accessible to everyone. Our team is committed to providing affordable financial planning services that fit your budget.

Code of Ethics

Do the Right Thing.

At the Right Time.

For the Right Reasons.

We strive to cultivate an environment of trust and confidence where you can pursue your financial goals with certainty and peace of mind. We are committed to a singular principle: acting with utmost good faith and integrity in the best interests of each client. This commitment is not merely an aspiration but a legal and ethical duty enshrined in our fiduciary responsibility.

As your advisor, we understand the immense trust you place in us with your personal information. We hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards and professional conduct, exceeding the minimum requirements of applicable laws and regulations. Our Code of Ethics is a cornerstone of this commitment, dictating the principles guiding every interaction and decision.

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